Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Why Worry?

"Why worry?  If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better."
-Walt Disney

If anyone knows me, they could tell you how much I love Disney.  It's true.  I am a HUGE Disney fanatic.  If anyone says anything about Disney within an earshot of me, I will perk up like a dog and will automatically feel like I'm part of the conversation.  So, it shouldn't be a surprise that one of the people I love to quote and find quotes from is Walt Disney himself.

This quote came into my life on one significant occasion a few weeks ago.  I was worrying and fretting and stressing about certain things going on in my life.  Then, I saw this on FaceBook, and I had to save it.  It struck me as something I needed to hear.  Maybe someone else needs to hear it too.

Well, there are many reasons why someone would worry about something.  Even if it seems like something that shouldn't be worried over to one person, it may seem completely different to someone else.  However, sometimes I know I need to take a step back and see if the thing I'm worrying about is something I've done and have done my best, or if it is something I haven't yet done, but know I will do my best trying.

But, this does not mean that you shouldn't worry ever.  Sometimes, you can't control it.  Sometimes, you need someone to talk to you and let you know that it is okay.  Sometimes, it just happens.  But, most of the time, you don't need the stress that comes from worrying; life is already hard as it is.  So take a moment, breathe, and if you've done your best, there is nothing else that you can do.  

You should celebrate accomplishments and the things you do try your hardest at.  You should celebrate the things you are good at.  Even though I know I will still worry about things I probably shouldn't, it will be okay.  I will have to look at the stresses and figure out what I can let go of worrying for because why worry?

I hope that if this post has done nothing else, that you might be able to apply it to your life, or share your thoughts.  Either share it here, or with someone you know.  If you know someone who might need to hear that if they have done their best and if they have at least tried, there is no real point in worrying.

Thanks for reading this week.  I hope I'll post more soon.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Strength, Courage, Wisdom

"Strength is letting go, when you want to hold on.  Courage is moving forward, when you fear what's ahead.  Wisdom is listening, when you want to be heard."
-Phyllis Arnett

Strength.  Courage.  Wisdom.  
Three simple words that can be intimidating.  Three words that people desire, but also fear.  Three words I feel I fail at having in my life. However, I feel that because of the many opportunities I have had and the many trials I've encountered in my life I have succeeded in at least having a little bit of each in my life.

I chose this quote this week because I've had a couple of moments of weakness where I feel like I had no strength, courage, or wisdom.  However, I had the strength I needed, the courage to help me move through my fear, and the wisdom to listen to myself and to others. I believe that I had these attributes at those moments mainly because of whoever was around me at the time.  They helped me and they were part of the strength, courage, and wisdom I needed. 
Friends are the most amazing thing.  I hope you all can name at least one person you can rely on at any time.  One person who will lend you a little bit of strength, courage, and wisdom when you need it.  If not, I know there is someone at there that you know that can be that person.  I know that you can also have the strength, courage and wisdom you will need at that time.  It may seem like a small fraction of the amount you desire, but the fact that you are making it through it means you have all it that you may need.  

I'm not entirely positive if I wrote down what I needed to, or if this made any sense, however, I know that this quote may ring true to someone and it may be something someone is needing to hear at this moment.  If this person is you, I hope it gave you a bit of strength, courage, and wisdom, and I hope you know there are many people out there who love you.  If you can't see them, find them. 
I hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday!  Hope to post something else soon.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Do What You Love

"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."
-Marc Anthony

What do you love to do?
I love music and performing. Music is my life!
I'm even majoring in Music.
Though sometimes it may seem hard and stressful and scary to be doing what I love as a job, I know that at the end of the day, I am happy. And in the end, that's all that matters.

I don't have much to say about the quote because I think it speaks for itself, but I want you to know that you all are amazing. Have a wonferful Wednesday and a wonderful week. 


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Believe In Yourself

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
-Norman Vincent Pearle

This is truth that everyone needs in their life. 
Believe in yourself!
You are wonderful. You are worth it. 
If you believe, then you can do amazing things and you can be happy. You are great! You are fantastic!
Sorry this is a day late and it's so short, but the quote I think speaks for itself. Have a great week!


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Thankful for No's

"I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me.  It's because of them I'm doing it myself."
-Albert Einstein

It is true.  I know many quotes are out there that say pretty much the same thing as Albert Einstein.  It won't be in the exact same way as he did, but essentially it is the same thing. 

When you have something that your mind is focused on; a goal, a dream, people tend to say no.
No, you can't.
No, you are not strong enough.
No, it is unrealistic.
No, it is impossible.





I'll rephrase.  Listen to them, so you can prove them wrong!
They are only put in your way to defy you. They are put in your way to stop you from achieving your greatest potential. Listen to them so that you can show them you can be a better person.
Sorry it is short and it is a day late, but essentially, don't let others bring you down, let their negativity bring your strength and power to accomplish your biggest dreams!

Enjoy your week!


Monday, January 25, 2016

Sunday Thoughts || Remember Him

I know that many of you are waiting for another post about DCP.  To be honest, it is a lot harder than I thought it would be, to write about Disney and my experiences. I'm not entirely sure what I can share. I don't remember exact details. I don't know what to say, but I can tell you this: I am working on another post about it. I'm hoping it will be finished in the next couple weeks, rather, I really would like to post it this week, but it is a bit stressful. I am back home and back at school, and I really would like to post more, but I want to ease into it. So I will start with at least one post a week. I'd like that one post to be Sunday Thoughts or Wonderful Wednesday, but as long as I am getting one in, I'll be happy. And eventually, I would love to have both of those posts plus a post about anything. And the eventually, I'll be putting up videos on my channel. Please remember, these aren't just for your benefit, it is for mine so I can share with friends and family but also remember things I had done. I love you all and thanks for being patient.

This week, I'd like to share my thoughts I had during Sacrament meeting. If you do not know, in my church, every Sunday we have 3 meetings, and the first is Sacrament meeting. All of us in our ward gather together mainly to partake of the Sacrament, but also to listen and learn from those who have been assigned to give a talk. My thoughts don't come from the talks, but mainly from my readings and pondering so during the Sacrament itself.  The Sacrament is the bread and water we take to remember Jesus Christ. Each Sunday, as we take the Sacrament, it is a chance to also renew the covenants, or promises, we made with our Father in Heaven when we were baptized. As such, I like to take the time during this spiritual moment to read in my scriptures, write in my journal, or pray.

This week, I was reading in the Book of Mormon. In Mosiah. Mosiah 4.
The one thing that struck me in the chapter is the theme, especially throughout verses 9-15.

Believe. Love. Remember.

Those are the things I got from the verses.  Not everyone may see the same thing, but that's what I learned. 
It tells us to believe in God. Believe in Him for many things. Believe in Him because He knows and understands the things of the Earth that man does not. If you repent of your sins and believe in Him, He will forgive you.
Remember Him. And retain remembrance of Him.
I loved that in vs 11. Not only do we need to remember Him, but keep that remembrance.  He knows that we have a hard time remembering things and that sometimes the things we do or the things He asks of us is hard, but if we remember Him and keep remembering Him every breathing moment of our lives, we will be blessed.  He knows we are only human and that we make mistakes, because that is what we are supposed to do. That is how we learn. But if we fully strive to live our lives with remembrance of Him and all that He has done for us, great blessings will come upon us.

And on top of all that, Love. Love Him. Love one another. Love others. And serve. Because service and charity are acts of His love. 

They aren't hard things that He asks of us. They seem pretty simple. But they can seem impossible. Why would He ask of such small things of us? Because He knows that if we do those small things; believe, remember, love, and serve; if we do those things we will be blessed and the rest will fall into place. 

Thanks for reading today and I hope you have been given some insight and love for yourself and the Savior.

I love you all!