Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Why Worry?

"Why worry?  If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better."
-Walt Disney

If anyone knows me, they could tell you how much I love Disney.  It's true.  I am a HUGE Disney fanatic.  If anyone says anything about Disney within an earshot of me, I will perk up like a dog and will automatically feel like I'm part of the conversation.  So, it shouldn't be a surprise that one of the people I love to quote and find quotes from is Walt Disney himself.

This quote came into my life on one significant occasion a few weeks ago.  I was worrying and fretting and stressing about certain things going on in my life.  Then, I saw this on FaceBook, and I had to save it.  It struck me as something I needed to hear.  Maybe someone else needs to hear it too.

Well, there are many reasons why someone would worry about something.  Even if it seems like something that shouldn't be worried over to one person, it may seem completely different to someone else.  However, sometimes I know I need to take a step back and see if the thing I'm worrying about is something I've done and have done my best, or if it is something I haven't yet done, but know I will do my best trying.

But, this does not mean that you shouldn't worry ever.  Sometimes, you can't control it.  Sometimes, you need someone to talk to you and let you know that it is okay.  Sometimes, it just happens.  But, most of the time, you don't need the stress that comes from worrying; life is already hard as it is.  So take a moment, breathe, and if you've done your best, there is nothing else that you can do.  

You should celebrate accomplishments and the things you do try your hardest at.  You should celebrate the things you are good at.  Even though I know I will still worry about things I probably shouldn't, it will be okay.  I will have to look at the stresses and figure out what I can let go of worrying for because why worry?

I hope that if this post has done nothing else, that you might be able to apply it to your life, or share your thoughts.  Either share it here, or with someone you know.  If you know someone who might need to hear that if they have done their best and if they have at least tried, there is no real point in worrying.

Thanks for reading this week.  I hope I'll post more soon.


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