Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas is around the corner!!! Wait What?!

Christmas is just around the corner and finals are over.
I said it, Christmas is only less than 11 days away.  And 2014 is almost over, but before we think about the coming year, let's think about Christmas.

It's just around the corner and it's hard to believe.
The past month has been hard for me, and I'm sure it has for some of you to.
But today I realized I needed to take a breath.
In through the nose and out through the mouth.
In with the good and out with the bad.
Take a breath and think about Christmas, not the Why's and What if's.
Leave those negative thoughts alone, because Christmas is a time of joy and happiness.  It's a time to be with your family and think about the good.  It's also a time to think about Christ and the wonderful gifts he gave us.

This year, I CHALLENGE, each of you to try and think more about the giving than the receiving.  That doesn't mean, don't be excited about the gifts you've gotten, please do, but think about what gifts you are giving.  Do they mean something special? Are they sentimental?

Think about traditions you have.  What traditions have you heard of that you might want to try?  What traditions did you have as a child, that you'd like to try again?

Think about your family.  Sometimes it's hard because they aren't the closest things to your heart or you have trouble with them, but what are the good things in your family?

Think about the smells.  I'm loving this scented candle called Autumn Wreath, and though it's not called Winter Wreath, it was amidst the Christmas candles and it smells divine.  Like cinnamon and apples.  Next to it, a Vanilla Gingerbread is lit.  I've had this for at least five years, and haven't used it much until the recently.  Together they smell incredible!

I love the smell of Christmas trees.  However, my grandma can't handle strong smells, so this year we have a fake Christmas tree, but it looks gorgeous.  To get my smell of Christmas trees, I'll walk by a Christmas Tree place, where they are selling them, or I'll go to my aunts and uncles and friends houses where they have real trees.

I love the smell of baking.  Bake some Chocolate Chip cookies or peppermint bark.  Sadly, my roommate ate all of my dough for my cookies, but I'm going to get some more and make the house smell like Christmas.

The smell of the holidays are some of the things that will lift my spirits.  As do the sight of candles.  I'll even give myself a pamper night and take a bath and calm myself.  Especially with finals last week I needed to find something to relax me and take the stress away for a moment.

What are some of your favorite things about the season?  Let me know.  I want to know.  I love traditions, smells, candles, pamper evenings, and of course sweaters and comfy clothes.  I also love white Christmas', and it looks like it is going to snow on Christmas Day!!! I love to hear everyone's traditions.  

Love you all!
Enjoy your week and enjoy your holidays.  Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, think about something joyful this time of year, whether you celebrate a religious holiday or you just lounge around during the cold days.

Merry Christmas! <3 <3

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