Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday || Strength, Courage, Wisdom

"Strength is letting go, when you want to hold on.  Courage is moving forward, when you fear what's ahead.  Wisdom is listening, when you want to be heard."
-Phyllis Arnett

Strength.  Courage.  Wisdom.  
Three simple words that can be intimidating.  Three words that people desire, but also fear.  Three words I feel I fail at having in my life. However, I feel that because of the many opportunities I have had and the many trials I've encountered in my life I have succeeded in at least having a little bit of each in my life.

I chose this quote this week because I've had a couple of moments of weakness where I feel like I had no strength, courage, or wisdom.  However, I had the strength I needed, the courage to help me move through my fear, and the wisdom to listen to myself and to others. I believe that I had these attributes at those moments mainly because of whoever was around me at the time.  They helped me and they were part of the strength, courage, and wisdom I needed. 
Friends are the most amazing thing.  I hope you all can name at least one person you can rely on at any time.  One person who will lend you a little bit of strength, courage, and wisdom when you need it.  If not, I know there is someone at there that you know that can be that person.  I know that you can also have the strength, courage and wisdom you will need at that time.  It may seem like a small fraction of the amount you desire, but the fact that you are making it through it means you have all it that you may need.  

I'm not entirely positive if I wrote down what I needed to, or if this made any sense, however, I know that this quote may ring true to someone and it may be something someone is needing to hear at this moment.  If this person is you, I hope it gave you a bit of strength, courage, and wisdom, and I hope you know there are many people out there who love you.  If you can't see them, find them. 
I hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday!  Hope to post something else soon.