I know that many of you are waiting for another post about DCP. To be honest, it is a lot harder than I thought it would be, to write about Disney and my experiences. I'm not entirely sure what I can share. I don't remember exact details. I don't know what to say, but I can tell you this: I am working on another post about it. I'm hoping it will be finished in the next couple weeks, rather, I really would like to post it this week, but it is a bit stressful. I am back home and back at school, and I really would like to post more, but I want to ease into it. So I will start with at least one post a week. I'd like that one post to be Sunday Thoughts or Wonderful Wednesday, but as long as I am getting one in, I'll be happy. And eventually, I would love to have both of those posts plus a post about anything. And the eventually, I'll be putting up videos on my channel. Please remember, these aren't just for your benefit, it is for mine so I can share with friends and family but also remember things I had done. I love you all and thanks for being patient.
This week, I'd like to share my thoughts I had during Sacrament meeting. If you do not know, in my church, every Sunday we have 3 meetings, and the first is Sacrament meeting. All of us in our ward gather together mainly to partake of the Sacrament, but also to listen and learn from those who have been assigned to give a talk. My thoughts don't come from the talks, but mainly from my readings and pondering so during the Sacrament itself. The Sacrament is the bread and water we take to remember Jesus Christ. Each Sunday, as we take the Sacrament, it is a chance to also renew the covenants, or promises, we made with our Father in Heaven when we were baptized. As such, I like to take the time during this spiritual moment to read in my scriptures, write in my journal, or pray.
This week, I was reading in the Book of Mormon. In Mosiah. Mosiah 4.
The one thing that struck me in the chapter is the theme, especially throughout verses 9-15.
Those are the things I got from the verses. Not everyone may see the same thing, but that's what I learned.
It tells us to believe in God. Believe in Him for many things. Believe in Him because He knows and understands the things of the Earth that man does not. If you repent of your sins and believe in Him, He will forgive you.
Remember Him. And retain remembrance of Him.
I loved that in vs 11. Not only do we need to remember Him, but keep that remembrance. He knows that we have a hard time remembering things and that sometimes the things we do or the things He asks of us is hard, but if we remember Him and keep remembering Him every breathing moment of our lives, we will be blessed. He knows we are only human and that we make mistakes, because that is what we are supposed to do. That is how we learn. But if we fully strive to live our lives with remembrance of Him and all that He has done for us, great blessings will come upon us.
And on top of all that, Love. Love Him. Love one another. Love others. And serve. Because service and charity are acts of His love.
They aren't hard things that He asks of us. They seem pretty simple. But they can seem impossible. Why would He ask of such small things of us? Because He knows that if we do those small things; believe, remember, love, and serve; if we do those things we will be blessed and the rest will fall into place.
Thanks for reading today and I hope you have been given some insight and love for yourself and the Savior.