It is Saturday and I am off to Florida!!
How exciting!! I'm so excited!!!!
Tuesday I will start my Disney College Program and I will officially become a Disney Cast Member!
I am driving from Utah to Florida (I know a crazy drive), but I've heard that it is better to have a car-and more reliable. Don't worry, I'm not driving by myself, my mom is driving with me.
Last Saturday, I threw a good-bye party, Disney themed of course :) And it was a lot of fun! I have some pictures and I will definitely share them with you :)
Everyone who came really loved it! I went to the dollar store with my friend and my sister and gathered all things Disney!
A Cinderella puzzle, streamers and plates and cups in the colors pink and purple and white, a calendar with the princesses (which I took all the pictures out and hung them up), a kite with the most random princesses-Aurora, Merida, and Jasmine, Mickey Mouse straws, a Mickey Mouse Snack Stand, Mickey Mouse and Princess napkins, little decorations that I fell in love with, glow sticks and bubbles, and some other random things!
I also gathered all things Disney that I own, which is a lot, and I gathered my cousins' Disney toys and brought them to my aunt's house and decorated the basement, turning it into a Disney Explosion!!
While at the party we had a bunch of food which I named each one Disney related.
Kettle Corn-Mary Poppin's Popcorn
Red Velvet Cupcakes-Snow White's Cakes
Swedish Fish-Ariel's Fish
Fruit Platter-A Taste of Tiana's Palace
Root Beer-Gaston's Brew
Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Diet Coke-Sleepy's Cola
While I socialized with my friends, I turned on Tangled in my aunt's home movie theatre, and then we watched my favorite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast-which we quoted and sang along to!
I absolutely loved it and had a grand time!
Here is what the basement looked like once I transformed it.
(The Coloring pages on the table were for kids to color and the pages on the wall, my friend and I colored over the past two years. We bought them at a drug store, I think it was CVS.)
My friend also gave me a nice, soft, warm blanket with the princesses Aurora, Cinderella, and Ariel and it is one of the softest things I have ever felt. It is like Heaven.
Now that I've shortly explained what kind of things I did, I will explain DCP-Disney College Program for those who don't quite understand.
Basically, the Disney College Program, or DCP is a program for college students to be able to work at Disneyland or Walt Disney World for about a semester. Basically it is a paid internship. You get to work at one of the parks or resorts, depending on your role (employees are called Disney Cast Members-CM), and you get paid. On top of that, it is different from a regular job at Disney, because you also have the opportunity to take a class or two from the classes they offer, and some of the classes can count for college credit-depending on your university or college.
It is great to have on a resumee, and there are so many positions to choose from that it can work for pretty much any major. And you can meet people from all over the country and across the world, because there is an international program as well-for those who live outside of the US.
I will go into further depth about the program and its aspects and the application process, but I will quickly outline it.
First, you have to apply. There is an application online at
Once you finish that you wait. You can be waiting a couple hours or a few days, depending on the time of year, and then you will hear if you can move on to the second step, the Web-Based Interview, or WBI.
On the WBI, you will be asked an assortment of questions with several different forms of answers, which I will elaborate later. And then shortly after that, you will hear if you made it past that step. If you did you can move on to the last step. The Phone Interview.
The phone interview is an interview with a cast member, which is like a regular job interview. And then, you have to wait again. And this waiting process is usually the longest. And after a few weeks, you will hear if you made it into the program.
If you didn't, don't fret, you can apply again in a few months, it is not the end of the world, I promise! It just means that it wasn't the right time for you. It means there is something waiting for you where you are now for the semester you applied for, and you can find that out later!
Next week I will elaborate the application process and what the program entails exactly, but for now, I am on the road and will talk to you later! I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful, magical day!